MOM/MES solutions

Integration of production equipment into Atree MES

Atree MOM/MES integrates flawlessly with various production machines and equipment via standard industrial communication protocols. This integrated approach enables automated data collection and provides real-time monitoring of equipment status and performance. The seamless integration of Atree MOM/MES with various production machines and equipment via standard industrial communication protocols not only promotes interoperability, but also opens the door to optimized data management.

Linking with ERP systems for synchronization

Our system is fully compatible and can interface seamlessly with ERP systems. This enables the synchronization of critical business functions such as production orders, material requirements and other critical aspects. The result is a consistent flow of information throughout the enterprise, ensuring streamlined and efficient operations.

Direct communication for optimal performance

Direct communication between the MOM system and the production equipment uses closed-loop control. This enables our system to adjust parameters on-the-fly, leading to optimal equipment performance. These dynamic adjustments allow for real-time optimization, keeping your production process agile and efficient, even in the face of changing conditions.

Please contact us

Contact us today to discover how our MOM/MES solutions can transform your factory and take your manufacturing processes to the next level.